On September 11th, representatives from nearly 30 local nonprofit and governmental agencies graduated from Collaboration College. These organizations have accomplished tremendous work throughout this past year to develop collaboration and collective impact initiatives to benefit our Middle Tennessee community.
Seven teams, listed below, participated in the Collaboration College program. Three of these teams - Hospital to Home, Partners in Opportunities and Outcomes, and Thrive - have been selected as finalists for the Collaboration College Award to be presented at the Center for Nonprofit Management's Salute to Excellence on October 22. One team will win the $25,000 award and the two finalists will receive awards of $10,000 made possible by Baptist Healing Trust and The HCA Foundation.
- ACE Nashville: The Family Center, Metro Public Health Department, and Prevent Child Abuse Tennessee are working together to launch a collective impact initiative using a public health approach that will empower all Davidson County residents to prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and promote individual, family and community health.
- Hospital to Home: The Mayor’s Office of Innovation, Metropolitan Homelessness Commission, Metro Public Health Department,Nashville General Hospital, National Health Care for the Homeless Council, Neighborhood Health, and Room in the Inn are collaborating to establish a path from Hospital to Home for patients experiencing homelessness who are high utilizers of hospital systems.
- My Health Care Home: Members of the Safety Net Consortium are collaborating to increase the number of uninsured Nashvillians who have a regular affordable source of care in a primary care home. This collaboration is led by Faith Family Medical Clinic, Family and Children’s Service, Matthew Walker Comprehensive Health Center, Meharry-Vanderbilt Alliance, Mental Health Association of Middle TN, Neighborhood Health, Saint Thomas Health Services, and Tennessee Disability Coalition.
- Partners in Opportunities & Outcomes: Barefoot Republic,Rocketown of Middle Tennessee, Salama Urban Ministries, and Youth Encouragement Servicesare developing an interagency system of support that will impact the social, emotional, spiritual, and academic needs of youth in Nashville.
- Project Ready Plus: Kiwanis Club of Nashville, Tennessee Scholars, andUrban League of Middle Tennesseeare collaborating to prepare cohorts of underrepresented students for post-secondary education and careers through academic support, career awareness, and service-learning.
- South Nashville Community Farmer's Market: Center for Refugees and Immigrants of Tennessee, South Nashville Family Resource Center and Vanderbilt School of Nursing CASTLESpartnering together to facilitate a farmers market in South Nashville aiming to increase access to fresh, nutrient-dense produce and to nutrition education for the broader community as well as to increase micro-enterprise opportunities for refugee and immigrant growers.
- Thrive: Nashville CARES, Neighborhood Health, and Street Works are collaborating to coordinate and integrate HIV prevention and other support services in one My House community center.
- We are proud of our Collaboration College graduates and look forward to the great accomplishments of these initiatives moving forward!
Thank you to all of the partners who can together to create Collaboration College: Baptist Healing Trust, Center for Nonprofit Management, Lipscomb University, The HCA Foundation, c3/consulting, HCA, and North Highland.
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