HCA Healthcare Foundation
- August 01, 2016

Nashville's best IT professionals will gather together at a 36-hour hack-a-thon on October 13-14 to help nonprofits improve their impact through technology. HCA and the Nashville Technology Council are partnering with the following local businesses to recruit volunteers.
- Cisco
- C3/Consulting
- Asurion
- HealthStream
- Deloitte
- Jackson National Life Insurance
- Books-a-Million
- HealthTrust Purchasing Group
- The General Insurance
- Centresource
- Digital Reasoning
- Dave Ramsey
These volunteers will create solutions for over 20 agencies. Check out the projects below:
- Adventure Science Center - A twitter bot to change the color of the Center’s pyramid on-demand and spark an interest in science.
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Middle Tennessee - A staff scheduling platform to provide safe spaces for children throughout the day.
- Council on Aging of Middle Tennessee - An easy to navigate online directory to improve care for older adults.
- Faith Family Medical Center - An online appointment scheduling system for patients.
- Gilda’s Club Nashville - A streamlined client and volunteer registration.
- Junior Achievement - A volunteer opportunity map to help match volunteers with sites in their neighborhoods.
- Monroe Harding - A task management app for young people to learn life skills.
- Nashville Adult Literacy Council - A volunteer registration system to reduce client waitlists.
- Nashville Conflict Resolution Center - A survey by text platform to follow-up with mediation clients and improve services.
- Nashville Opera Association - An interactive blog to encourage engagement in the classical arts.
- Nashville Public Library Foundation - An online referral tool to connect clients to adult literacy services.
- PENCIL Foundation - A volunteer tracking system to record community investment in MNPS schools.
- Prevent Child Abuse Tennessee - An online inventory to help case workers provide families with the basics childcare supplies they need.
- Project Return - A job recommendation tool for staff to match former offenders with jobs.
- Renewal House - A web-based tool to maintain compliance with governmental funding requirements.
- Safe Haven Family Shelter - An online inventory system to improve tracking of in-kind donations.
- St. Luke’s Community House - A mobile-friendly platform for volunteers and clients to register to serve and receive services.
- Tennessee Respite Coalition - A paper process into an online respite voucher application for caregivers.
- The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee - An integrated solution to communicate with disaster relief grantees.
- The Nashville Food Project - An online tool for volunteers to find the right opportunity to lend a hand.
- Waves, Inc. - A web-based tracking system for adults with disabilities to find employment.